Our proven Create My Book System™
takes you from idea to published book in 6 months.
Write your book
We ghostwrite or guide you through the writing process, so your book inspires others while establishing you as a leader.
Design your identity
We assist you with branding, so you have a book you can be proud of while attracting clients who are eager to buy.
Publish your book
We support you in publishing, so you control your work while building a publishing empire for long-term revenue.
We provide 3 paths to reach your book goals.
We do everything for you ─ ghostwrite, brand, and publish ─ your custom book, so you can focus on growing your business.
We guide you through writing, so you can finish your manuscript with excellence.
We offer individual services, so you can take one impactful step at a time.
gives you a sense of pride,
stands out from other books,
turns your readers into raving fans,
has the quality of traditional publishing at self-publishing prices
and leaves a legacy
We want to work with you if you:
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