Publishing Trends for 2022

Wherever you are in your book goals,
we are here to help you find your unique message for your book.

We thought it was over, and everyone started celebrating outdoors last summer.

But as we all know, it came back with a vengeance in December, taking on various forms, variants and who knows what other mutations now.

So many of us were in bed, quarantined at home, and putting those masks back on.

What does all these mean for the publishing market?

More book sales, not to mention ebooks and audiobooks.

I predict this trend of growing book sales is likely to continue through 2022.

What does this mean for you and your book?

See my top 5 predictions for the publishing industry in 2022, and how you can ride these trends.

1. Printed book sales jump

Books are still alive! 

The number of books sold in the U.S. jumped nearly 9% in 2021 compared to 2020. 

That’s huge!

According to NPD BookScan, the total number of books sold last year in all categories was 825,745, compared to 757,939 in 2020.

Just looking at the adult nonfiction category, total sales grew 4%—from 308,823 in 2020 to 322,564 in 2021.

What does that mean?

People want to read your nonfiction book.

2. ebook sales accelerate

Last year, 1 in 6 books sold was an ebook. That means more people are reading books on their Kindles, tablets, laptops and mobile devices.

According to Statista, ebook sales this year are expected to hit US$17,036, with an annual growth rate of nearly 3%. 

Yes, you want to turn your book into an ebook as well.

3. Audiobooks gain share

More people want to listen to their books.

According to NPD BookScan, audiobook sales jumped 17% in 2020, the latest year that statistics are available.

People largely bought audiobooks in the categories of business, self-help and humor.

Yes, you also want to turn your book into an audiobook.

4. Independent Publishing (Self-Publishing) blooms

Publishing continues to democratize.

A new wave of people—especially entrepreneurs—are now setting up their own independent publishing entities to write and publish their own books.

The number of independent publishers hit the stratosphere, jumping by nearly 500%  since 2016, according to stats shared on Author Marketing Experts.

The old paradigm—publishing a book through a traditional publisher to hit the New York Times bestseller list—is fast, giving way to the new paradigm of everyone becoming their own publisher. 

At Author Bridge, we’ve certainly seen that trend.

The vast majority of authors we speak to—entrepreneurs, experts and visionary leaders—choose to become their own publishers. This gives them maximum revenue and ultimate control over their books.

This self-publishing trend also allows more voices to be heard.

You don’t have to wait for a publisher in a white castle to accept your book. You are the publishing master of your book.

5. Book marketing takes all forms

With the explosion of social media, video, podcasts, TikTok and other channels, book marketing has blossomed into new forms. 

Everyone’s marketing campaign looks different. It’s all about followers.

You are writing for that specific group or even just one person, who needs to hear your message.

We’re here to help you find your message, write your book and publish for the world.

Are you ready to ride these trends?

Let’s talk.

Would you like to explore what it means for your book?

I’m all ears

by Helen Chang, ABM Editorial Director

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