Numbers tell a story

We use words in telling our story. But numbers also tell a story.

numbers on books

How do you use numbers to tell a story?

Numbers are important in many different types of books. 

For example, we have used numbers in books on:

  • Leadership
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • And more…

You might think that numbers are boring. And difficult.

But they are another way for you to make your point, support your system and tell your story.

In a book about leadership, we used numbers to illustrate the stress growing among burnt-out CEOs.

In another book we did about wellness, numbers showed patient results of following specific medical protocols.

In a book about real estate rental properties, we worked with the author to create a math formula that readers could use to make their own investments.

Even when I tell the Expert Origin Story™ of an author, I often use numbers to show the years, lessons, and ages involved in the thought leaders’ journey from failure to success.

I used to ignore numbers, even hated them. But I’ve come to respect digits as beautiful tools for storytelling. Now, I even love them.

How do numbers show up in your story?

How many numbers are in your proprietary system?

How many formulas help your readers?

Despite the many uses of numbers, in book writing, I believe the most important number is this: one.

You are the only one who can write your book.

Yes, we can help.

Your story only belongs to you. And your book can only come from you. 

I would love to see how numbers play in your book.

by Helen Chang, ABM Editorial Director

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